Team Dysfunktion (pics updated on the photo page!!!)

Dysfunktion Roster


Event History

Game Times

CooL Links

Tourney Pics

Cedar County Open info

Photo2 Page



     Welcome to the home page of Team Dysfunktion, Hartington Nebraska's only competitive 5 man paintball team. This year we will be playing in the rookie division of the NPUC tournament series and will also be playing two independent three man tournies. Feel free to look around the site and if you have any comments or suggestions e-mail us at

  Check back occasionally to see how we are doing in our tourneys, our rankings and record (games won/lost) for a tourney will be posted in event history.

     This year we will try to make it to 4 of the NPUC tourney's but the ones we will for sure make are Bridgewater, Souix City, and Sioux Falls. We might make it to Worthington and we may be attending the Rapid City leg this year, it all depends on if we can catch a ride. The 3 man event we will be attending this summer is the Cedar County Open (tourney at the Cedar County Fair). Depending on money situation we may also attend the Yankton Run and Gun three man. We hope to do very well this year and look forward to meeting lots of new people, so if you see us at any of these tourneys feel free to come over and talk to us we are always happy to meet new people.




Tourney and Practice dates and times

   Check in the game times page to see when we will be practicing and wheather it is an open game or not, some games will be just Team Dysfunktion and another five man team from the area. If it is labeled as an open game any one is welcome to come email us for details on where to go.

Email us to set up a practice time!!

    Team Dysfunktion is looking for teams to practice against!! We are looking for teams in the Hartington area to practice against. We would much prefer that who ever would like to practice comes to Hartington to play on our feild. At the moment we play on a field built from plywood and pallets.(it is modeled after a sup air field though) If you would like to come practice with us (we will practice against any one weather it be rookie through amatuer or pro) contact us at